Nice job! You’ve built your business up from nothing, perhaps even with little or no capital to do it. You have networked, advertised, met with clients, provided services and gone the extra mile. Impressive. You’ve got tremendous passion for your business.
But, now you’re maxed out. You want to do more. There’s a lucrative project sitting out there just calling out for you. But, you don’t have time. You’re marketing, networking, producing, meeting, invoicing, blogging, working social media – in short you’ve got your business plans and you’ve got your administrative overhead bogging you down.
You’re on the cusp of potential new business growth. You’re ready to enter the next phase of your business where you begin to develop it in new ways. This means possibly finding a bigger place, searching for quality employees, developing documented procedures, methods and policies, and, delegating.
Harvard Business Review asked some time ago, Why aren’t you Delegating? If you’re a freelancer or a “solopreneur” you may think the author is talking about bigger businesses than yours. She refers to people who have subordinates, for example.
But, not all delegating has to be internal. You probably already do some and don’t really see it as such. Unless, of course you’re doing your own taxes. In today’s freelancing market economy, so many things can be delegated on an as-needed basis.
As the blog suggested, become aware of the things you’re doing that other people could do for you. Ask yourself why you’re still doing them, especially if these tasks keep you from producing more revenue. Would you benefit more from preparing and sending invoices or from actually serving another paying client?
As one business owner pointed out to me recently, “I’ve built this up myself. I’m invested in it. It’s just difficult to pass these tasks on to other people.” I get that. I really do. I also wonder how he’s going to continue to expand his business.