Work You Hate

Doing the work you hate

Think about your work day for just a moment. Do you have a task you hate to do? We all do. Now, ask yourself this: what could I be doing if I didn’t have to do this task? Do I have to do this task? Is it time to replace myself with someone else who can do these overhead duties that keep me from working on the projects, plans and goals I’ve set for myself? If you’re so tied up working in your business that you never have the opportunity to work on your business, I want to help.

How I Work

The most important thing I want to do is to sit with you and learn about your business. What do you do? Why did you get into this business? What are your plans, dreams and goals? I want to know what it is that you’re really passionate about, and how I can help you achieve your dreams. As I learn about your business, possible ways I can assist you will come to light. Or, we might discover you don’t need my services right now. As one colleague put it recently, “I either earn, or I learn.” Either way is good to me. As we discover where I can best serve you, the actual services I might provide will come to light as well. We’ll be able to design a package that is custom to your business, to your needs and to your lifestyle.

Some of the tools in my toolkit:

  • Administrative duties
    • Printing, mailing, emailing and tracking invoices
    • Office supply assistance
    • Appointment confirmations and cancellations
    • Report writing and distribution
    • More . . .
  • Social Media content posting
    • Helping you get your content out consistently on a timely basis
  • Web site
    • Keeping the site fresh and up to date
    • Posting your blogs, news, events, photos, promotions and anything else you want to tell the world
    • Making sure your website is using the latest version of its software
  • Direct mail and email campaigns
    • Mail merging for custom form letters
    • Organizing a direct mail campaign distribution
    • Creating and distributing email campaigns
    • Integrating campaigns with the web site and social media
  • Data entry, spreadsheets, letters, etc.
    • Getting all those business cards into your favorite database such as Sales Force, Hubspot or or address book
    • Getting spreadsheets to “do the math” for you
    • Creating tables, charts, and graphs summarizing data for reports
  • Custom projects to meet your needs
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